Understanding Learning
Bloom's taxonomy of learning
Question posed in this video: Do you think there is a sequential, hierarchical link between each level?
Maslow’s HIerarchy of Needs
How can we help our students become self-actualized, globally minded citizens?
Attachment Theory
How can we use this knowledge in the classroom?
Piaget vs. vygotsky - Cognitive development
How do you help your students reach their greatest cognitive growth potential?
Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner - human conditioning
Veteran teachers will tell you how crucial setting expectations, routines, and procedures are for successful classroom management within the first week of school. Science will tell you the same.
Learning with passion and enthusiasm
Questions posed in this video: Is learning a side product of enthusiasm? Can we learn without passion or interest?
How to Build Self-Discipline
Many of our students need help with building self-discipline. As educators, we need to NOT ONLY help our students learn how to create positive habits, but we need to help our students remember to maintain their goals.
Deliberate Practice
Are you helping your students deliberately practice the skills they need to succeed?
Mastery Learning
Programs like iReady and STMath focus on mastery learning to increase student understanding.
The Science of Studying
Do not assume your students know these study skills. We must teach them these study skills, and must remind them the importance of practice, practice, practice!