Teaching Practices

Video Resources

Whether you are new to teaching or a veteran educator, check out the videos below to deepen your understanding of successful teaching strategies.

Remember, you can modify these strategies to fit your grade level, subject, lesson, and the needs of your students. If you aren't sure how, ask!

Don't forget, you can find even more tips and strategies online! But be cautious! Not all videos on YouTube give sound advice.

Differentiated Instruction


Teach Like a Champion

For another HUGE bank of best practices videos, check out Teach Like a Champion.

Collaborative Learning

Benefits of Collaborative Learning

Behavior Specific Praise

Teaching Whole Brain Teaching

Whole Brain Teaching Examples

Lesson Planning

Classroom Management Styles

Classroom Arrangement Styles

Flexible Seating

Seating Arrangements - Pros and Cons

10 Tips for First Time Teachers

Classroom Management & Noisy Students

Behavior Management in the Classroom

working with Challenging Students & Keeping Composure

Tips for Elementary Teachers

Tips for Middle School Teachers

Teach Without Yelling

Understanding School Refusal

Teacher/Student Discourse

Cooperative Learning Roles

Think, Pair, Share

Inside/Outside CIRCLES & Talking Chips

Jigsaw Method

Gallery Walk

Reciprocal Learning

Cooperative Games


Chunk and Summarize

Observation Look-Fors